Flex System Integration Platform Certificates

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PSA Certified™ Security Assurance Certificate

PSA Certified Level 1

Certificate Number: 0632793519553-10500
Date of Issue: 31/01/2024
Test Lab: SGS Brightsight
Certification Holder: Flex
Certified Product: Flex System Integration Platform

The System Integration Platform is helping Flex customers to streamline their sensor and IoT connectivity integration cycle. Move rapidly from concept to mass production with 50+ ready-to-import reference designs covering healthcare, lifestyle, and automotive products.

Hardware Version: Rev. B
Software Version: STM32U585 TFM STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.4.0
Certification Type: PSA Certified Level 1 v2.2 REL01
Developer Type: PSA Certified – Device

Composite PSA Certified EAN-13s

System Software: 0716053549983
Chip: 0632793519478