TsingLink Embed Secure System

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TsingLink Embed Secure System

TsingLink Embed Secure System is an embedded IoT security system based on ARM TrustZone® technology, including TinyTEE running in secure state and TsingLink Cloud SDK running in non-secure state.

TinyTEE provides some trusted applications such as device authentication, secure storage, secure boot, encryption engine, and true random number generator.
TsingLink Cloud SDK is based on embed RTOS. It can connect to TsingLink Cloud IoT platform securely and quickly, and provides prevent replay attacks, dynamic token, real-time two-way communication, secure OTA and other IoT functions.

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PSA Certified Level 1 Details

Certificate Number: 0716053549716-10010
Date of Issue: 03/02/2020
Test Lab: CAICT
Certification Holder: Beijing Fangyanjuxing Technology Co Ltd.
Certified Product: TsingLink Embed Secure System
Hardware Version: NuMaker-PFM-M2351 version 1.3
Software Version: TinyTEE version 1.0
Certification Type: PSA Certified Level 1 v1.2
Developer Type: PSA Certified – Device